Fr. Francis X. Dias, pastor

Scrip Gift Card Sales:
Are you going shopping, buying groceries, purchasing gasoline, going out for lunch or dinner, or going on vacation anytime soon? If it did not cost you one cent more, would you be willing to participate in a worthy cause? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then the Gift Card Program is for you.
Turn your everyday shopping into a contribution to St. Adalbert!
Gift cards are just a substitute for money. The St. Adalbert Gift Card Program offers for sale gift cards redeemable at participating merchants. Gift cards are used to raise funds for non-profit organizations, like St. Adalbert.
Here's how it works...
St. Adalbert purchases gift cards from a national center and local businesses at discounts ranging anywhere from 2 - 20%. The gift cards are then sold to parents and friends of the school system and parishioners at face value. Our "profit" is realized upon the sale of these cards. For example, St. Adalbert purchases one $10 gift card at a 5% discount. St. Adalbert will pay $9.50 for it and will then sell it to you, the customer, for $10. A fifty cent "profit" has been made.
You can designate how you wish for the credit earned from your purchase is applied, by checking a box at the top of the form!
Gift cards are available before and after Saturday Mass and Sunday Mass and at the St. Adalbert parish office. You can download the St. Adalbert order form HERE. Fill out and email your form back to and have your order ready and waiting for you after Mass - or - complete your form and bring it with you!
If you buy groceries, gasoline, go out to dinner or lunch, buy clothing, or need building supplies, we invite you to consider purchasing Gift Cards to help support St. Adalbert.
Fill out your form and email it to or stop by the Parish office.